Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lesson 1 Open and Organize

This week I've been distracted from school lessons because of a recent flood at my home and emergency move. But I was able to setup my laptop according to the suggestion in our text. It was a lot easier than I thought. That's good because I'll have to do it all again as soon as I find the hard drive of my desktop. I have about 22 boxes left to look through.

I thought the text book instructions were very clear and thorough. I'm finding Photoshop CS4 a lot more complicated than my old baby Photoshop Elements 2. But of course that means the possibilities are boundless. I went through Lesson 1 using the text CD as the practice samples. I love the bridge function, and the loupe for zooming in on details. Being able to adjust the size of thumbnails and rate photos will be a big plus for me. I have a tendency to take too many photos so I'm sure to have a good one. That's part of why I love digital photography. Unfortunately I end up with lots of rejects. This bridge and the rating system will save me lots of time looking through photos.

This evening I finally got up the courage to plug my external hard drive with all my photo into my laptop. This external hard drive has about 6 years worth of photos filed away without a backup. I was afraid it had been damaged in the flood. But my photos are all still there. So I have material to work with this semester.

My experience this week has taught me two valuable lessons. 1) Invest in good surge protectors. My entire desktop system was on and plugged into a surge protector that was totally submerged under water. And so far my system seems to be okay. 2)Backup, just in case.

My next task is to figure out how to post photos onto the blog. I'm enjoying seeing every ones blog photos. I'll try to add one to this post. See you all Thursday on-line.
Ann Wilkinson

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