Saturday, January 31, 2009

Project 2 Color

I've redone this assignment at least 4 times over the last week. Always with the same result - a photo that looks over manipulated. But I think I'm getting closer. Here's what I did for my last attempt. I started with Auto Color correction because I thought it wouldn't hurt and it might help. From there I went to Variations and increased Red one time. Next I went to Levels by color and changed them to Red: 0, 0.37, 222 and Blue 1, 2.12, 159 and Green 12, 0.73, 214 and RGB 6, 0.72, 255. I also changed the output on RGB to 22, 255. And the output on Blue to 0, 233. All of these adjustments were made with trial and error - just playing around with the Level slide bars. I also tried using Curves - but I messed up more than I improved.

By this time the colors were looking better, but not great. The red bedspread isn't red enough, the blue curtain isn't blue enough and the wall is too dark. But I've noticed that the more I finagle the colors, the more the contrast, brightness and sharpness degrade. So I'm stopping here and will wait to learn how others in the class overcome the very yellow retro room.

Mine is on the top. John's on the bottom right.

1 comment:

  1. I like how much yellow you got into the walls I was having trouble with that, well done.

    Just a quick note, I think yours is on the left and John's is on the right.
