Saturday, February 28, 2009

Zac, a colorful cat

So for this assignment I was to download a drawing of the left side of Zac, complete the picture by duplicating it and then color it in using the techniques in Lesson 6 of our text. This seemed easy enough when I did it with the butterfly. But I ran into a snag that stumped me for about 30 minutes.

The first thing I did was download the halfZac tile. I followed the instructions in the text to expand the canvas, select and duplicate the half drawing, flip it and nudge it into place. I used the darken mode adjustment to line up my halfs to make a full Zac.

When I was ready to make my selection of the lines, I realized I had a RGB image, so I converted it to gray scale. I'm not sure if that really mattered, I think I could have made the selection using the RGB channel but I wasn't sure. I made my selection with the channel for gray, inversed my selection and created a new layer.

Then I filled my new layer selection with black and tried to delect the selection on the background layer so I could paint the selected lines. This is where I ran into trouble. I thought I had followed all the directions in the book just like with the butterfly. But when I deselected the background layer and filled it with white, it deselected the lines layer. Then when I tried to paint, nothing happened. I fiddled around with these two layers and the selection and the layer lock and the brushes. Everything seemed right - but no results when I painted. Finally I notice that my mode setting on my brushes tool bar was set to overlay instead of normal. I think the overlay was a left over from something I was doing in the book. Once I got that figured out, it was all fun with colors.

I used a standard brush for the outline of the face. Then switched to the scattering and color dynamics for the frame. Next I added my color fill layer and filled in the large sections. When I thought I was all done, I decided to go a little farther and add some texture to the face. This ended up a little more trouble than it was worth. I had to divide my color fill layer into 2 - the face and the frame. I added the pattern layer to the face layer using the ant farm pattern. I blended the layer with the soft light mode.

Then I flattened it all and posted it.

1 comment:

  1. Thats cool I like the red sections of the face, looks like stained glass. I also like how you made a different layer for the frame and added multicolors to it. I tried to do that but didnt quite make it. :)
