Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Panoramic Stitching - Fresh Produce

Now this one was my favorite to photograph. I thought it was a great idea to go to the grocery store and get in out of the snow and rain for indoor photography. And the produce department was a big enough space that I could step back and get my shots with a better perspective than the fabric shots. It sounded like a good plan. But in the middle of my salad photo shoot, I felt a little tap on my shoulder. The manager of SeaMart asked me to leave the store and not come back with a camera. They do not allow photography of their merchandise. Then he recognized me as a customer and explained that he thought I was someone else. It seems the other grocery store in town was recently sold to a chain. And the new owners have been sneaking in photographing SeaMart to check out the competition. Once the manager knew I wasn't there for asparagus espionage he agreed to let me continue photographing. But I had lost my enthusiasm at that point. So I had to work with what I had already done. I had enough photos for the panoramic, but no where to put in any text. So I had to create a sign. I did the sign with the custom shape drawing tool set at the glass button mode. It's pretty cheesy looking but it was fun to do.

As for the stitching, this was pretty straightforward. There were lots of little details to line up. The perspective is still off, it looks like a curved counter. But without a tripod and a lot more space, it's the best I could do.

And the experience of being almost thrown out reinforced one of my core philosophies in life: It is usually better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.

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